I'm looking for websites, particular webpages, Youtube channels, etc.

I'm about to google this stuff but I'd still like suggestions to help me just do it and make sauces myself for basic sauces like sweet and sour, tikka masala, butter chicken, curry (many kinds).

I've started to make most of my meals in a Dutch oven. I throw frozen vegetables in there along with some kind of frozen meat and cook it all for ~45 minutes.

The next thing for me to do is make sauces myself.

It's only very recently that I finally cured myself of my Pavlov's Dog habit of buying frozen meals so I could stick them in the microwave oven and hear that ding. The food usually isn't that good and I know even as lazy as I am - I can do better than that.

  • Maoo [none/use name]
    11 months ago

    I would recommend picking one emulsion sauce and getting really good at it. Emulsions are tricky and can easily break so you'll want to get a sense for how to fix them.

    The simplest I can think of is making aglio e olio. The emulsion is peppery-garlicky olive oil and water with starch to bind. The dish is actually very different depending on if you get the emulsion to... emulsify. It will be sticky and (more) delicious instead of oily and still delicious.