I hate to admit it as much as the next guy but it can and will teach you to get out of sticky situations. It literally just saved my balls. If you are hitting the streets at all in the USA you should be familiar with terminology like "terry stops". Seriously. Watch some cop watch content.

  • TrudeauCastroson [he/him]
    9 months ago

    I thought you were gonna say the sovereign citizen people getting stopped by cops are more entertaining than breadtube, and I would've agreed.

    But ur thing is probably good too, but the problem is cops can do whatever they want really, no matter the legalese right?

    I looked up Terry Stops, seems like courts uphold them and don't really care.

    Any specific channel recommendations?

    • Dickey_Butts [none/use name]
      9 months ago

      Asking the police officer why you are being detained is not just a meme. If they dont articulate why you're being detained you can reasonably assume they are conducting a "terry stop" which means they have reasonable suspicion. Ask them if they are conducting a terry stop and what their reasonable and articulable suspicion is. If they can't provide it then you are free to go.

      If they say they pulled you over for a bad headlight but want to give you a sobriety test, you ask them what that has to do with the bad headlight.

      Yes cops do whatever they want. No you shouldn't provoke them. But if you are in a position to record and you can record yourself asking these questions you will get a huge payout instead of just injuries.

      I just get recommended it by the algorithm and I don't know beyond watching them briefly but the one that comes to mind is the_battousai on youtube who has been doing cop watching for a long time.

      If you watch enough of the videos you will pick up on it pretty quick.

      • TrudeauCastroson [he/him]
        9 months ago

        if they can't provide it, you're free to go

        That's not true, they have to have a specific reason but they also don't have to tell it to you. That's one they can put in their notebooks later after conferring with their buddies.

        Not sure the legalities around field sobriety tests (the one where they make you walk in a line and do stuff). Seems like the accuracy is mostly bullshit for anyone who has any medical condition, and in most states they're voluntary (like a car search). But you can't really refuse a breathalyzer.

        I'd be very surprised if people get payouts for cops making you do a breathalyzer or Field Sobriety Test without you seeming drunk

        • Dickey_Butts [none/use name]
          8 months ago

          Police officers do indeed have special leeway when it comes to traffic stops vs any other time they stop you however they still have to follow the rules pertaining. Again. Watching cop watch youtube is a smart thing to do.

          I didn't provide the best example so that's on me.

    • RyanGosling [none/use name]
      9 months ago

      Nothing is stopping cops from lying about you being detained and whatever else. Nothing but paperwork and laziness. It’s rare for someone to truly disappear into prison or jail without anyone or the media noticing. Usually when you’re disappeared by a cop, you’re dead, not inside of prison under false pretenses.

      Basically what I’m trying to say is that

      1. You will be killed
      2. You will be wrongfully imprisoned but people will know
      3. The cops are annoyed and let you out because you didn’t break any laws and they don’t want to do parallel investigations

      I don’t know the statistics, but I imagine a good chunk of number 2 is from people who are scared of the police interrogation tactics and don’t know their rights. Or they think they can outwit a dumb cop.

      Basically basically… if arrested and charged, ask for a lawyer, keep mouth shut. If not arrested, leave. Do not negotiate or plea or do anything without any attorney and contract present

      • Dickey_Butts [none/use name]
        8 months ago

        There is nothing stopping a prole in learning and speaking the same way a lawyer does, the same way there is nothing stopping them from reading Lenin and following his advice.

        • RyanGosling [none/use name]
          8 months ago

          I’m not sure what your point is here. OP asked if cops can make things up to hold you, I said perhaps. A worker learning to talk like a lawyer or reading Lenin is irrelevant when you’re arrested.

          Speaking like a lawyer =/= being a lawyer. Unless you somehow have read decades worth of law, cases, and understand when to talk and when not to talk, just ask for a lawyer and spare yourself prison time.

    • dannoffs@lemmy.sdf.org
      9 months ago

      ACAB until I die but watching sov cits get fucking rolled in YouTube complications will never not be fun.