Do they think the Catalan Anarchists had no bourgeois blood on their hands? Do they think the Makhnovites never executed counterrevolutionaries? Fucking idiots. I preferred it when anarchists actually threw pipe bombs.

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    7 months ago

    "Caring too much and putting in actual effort to change things is stupid, actually" combined with "no veggies at dinner, no bedtimes, don't tell me what to doooooooo" unexamined theory-free pop-anarchism is distressingly common.

    • oscardejarjayes [comrade/them]
      7 months ago

      Yeah, we really need to put the theory back in anarchism. I've been having some vague thoughts of putting together an anarchist book club, but I haven't really decided on any details. Maybe IRL, maybe on Hexbear, don't really know. has an anarcho-book club, but in the sidebar it lists Rothbard and Trotsky as anarchists, among others. It also hasn't had a new post in about 2 years.