• roux [he/him, comrade/them]
    8 months ago

    Counterpoint: no one should be "working hard".

    We are at what should be the height of the technological age and instead of using technology to produce the same amount with less effort, we are making more people work for more hours, and for less pay.

    The US is the weatlthiest country on the planet yet a lot of families can't get by with less than 2 incomes. Some of those families are single parent/3 job incomes. The system is fucking broken. We need to fucking pay living wages. But we don't and we force people to overproduce widgets and doodads in order to just barely make enough money for food in order to sustain themselves as long as possible for as little as possible so they can keep making widgets. We need more God damn widgets for Elon and Jeff.

    • 2Password2Remember [he/him]
      8 months ago

      the system isnt broken, it's working exactly as intended. the misery machine is creating record-breaking amounts of misery

      Death to America

      • roux [he/him, comrade/them]
        8 months ago

        True. I guess I was meaning broken from an altruistic perspective. Not from a machines of capitalism perspective.