Have any queer vibes to share? Here's your place! hexbear-pride

Talk about what’s happening queerly in your life - like coming out, getting HRT, questioning, and all that good stuff.

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  • SwitchyWitchyandBitchy [she/her]
    11 months ago

    I had a wonderful moment earlier this week where I was just feeling very myself and also noticed how much HRT has been aligning my body with my self image. And then on top of that I put on some old-ish jeans and realized how much better my thighs fill them out.

    That said, unfortunately I have to echo what /u/ElectronNumberSeven said. I've been feeling lonely and a bit isolated. I have good friends, some are even queer. But I have no trans friends to talk to on a regular basis and I've been noticing that has been hurting me mentally since I feel like I need that sense of community. Does anyone have any tips?