Which allowed the GOP controlled house to elect a much more fashy religious zealot who will be waaaaay worse for the country?

Am I missing something here? How is this not the biggest "own goal" they have pulled in recent memory? Now we get to listen to endless whining by liberal media outlets about how evil the new anti-daddy of the week is?

  • CrushKillDestroySwag
    8 months ago

    I think the idea from the Dems is that they don't care who the speaker is, they're just voting to cause as much chaos in the House as possible. Republicans fighting amongst themselves makes the whole party look like a clown show, which plays into the Dems' message of "we're the competent ones".

    • NewLeaf
      8 months ago

      That's just as bad of a strategy as the pied piper strategy they employ in a lot of elections. I don't see how elevating the worst shitheads is ever a good idea, no matter how sure they are that they will win. It's playing with fire. And the rhetoric also hurts people they supposedly stand up for