Which allowed the GOP controlled house to elect a much more fashy religious zealot who will be waaaaay worse for the country?

Am I missing something here? How is this not the biggest "own goal" they have pulled in recent memory? Now we get to listen to endless whining by liberal media outlets about how evil the new anti-daddy of the week is?

  • RonPaulyShore [none/use name]
    8 months ago

    Now we get to listen to endless whining by liberal media outlets about how evil the new anti-daddy of the week is?

    Huh? There will be no change in policy, and now Dems get another chance to highlight just how freakish the Republicans are. Easy dem win here.

    • NewLeaf
      8 months ago

      ...but they caused this to happen! If McCarthy was still in, it would just be more deadlocked nothingness. Now, we have a Christian zealot spotting off at the mouth about all sorts of anti LGBTQ people far more than McCarthy would have.