hexbear-specter we also have the most comments. never stop posting

  • moonlake [he/him]
    8 months ago

    it's just the inner human greed we all have that prevents this

    My comrade, you just made a great argument against capitalism. If humans are intrinsically greedy, then why should we reward that behaviour? If that is the case, we should build an economic system which incentivizes sharing, instead of a system which incentivizes greed.

    I will always believe in a regulated capitalist system

    Who is going to regulate capitalism? The capitalist class is the ruling class in capitalism, do you truly expect that they are going to regulate themselves? Besides, even regulations won't stop them, since capitalists can sue nations - and win.

    Anyway, reading theory is great but I also recommend listening to podcasts. Chapo Trap House and True Anon are some great starting points. And of course, keep lurking on Hexbear and asking questions, we love to discuss when it is in good faith hexbear-specter

    • /home/pineapplelover@lemm.ee
      8 months ago

      Ah, that's what Chapo Trap House is for. I've always wondered what that is. I'll check that out for sure. Also yes, I agree that a well regulated capitalist economic system wouldn't be easy since the rich will just try to exploit more and more. I guess no system will ever work then 🤷‍♂️ since with both systems people will always try exploiting each other for power and profit.