For me I would hold the social media companies more to account when it comes to hate speech and harassment online and force social media companies to do more to stop online harassment and hate speech.

    • blight [any]
      8 months ago

      Not everything you disagree with is hate speech. I think eg Germany has pretty strict limitations on specifically hate speech, but there are still plenty of people voicing opposing views.

          8 months ago

          That only really works if the government is preventing you from saying it, and it’s not something like slander or causing panic. If your lemmy instance banned talking about Pickles, it’s not a free speech issue. It’s a private instance who can have their own rules.

              8 months ago

              You better be ready to own the consequences of that stance, which I assume you’ve been privileged not to need to. You can look up any number of mass shooters or terrorists who only got there due to online radicalization.

    • Flyberius [comrade/them]
      8 months ago

      An opinion is one thing. Speech that has the intention of hurting others and/or inciting violence against others is another thing entirely.

        • Flyberius [comrade/them]
          8 months ago

          You see on one extreme you have people stifling legitimate opinion, and then on the other you have people advocating lynchings. There isn't a simple answer, but the answer certainly isn't to smugly sit in the middle and pretend you have it all sussed just because you have no skin in the game. Ultimately all you are doing is advertising that you are ok with lynchings or whatever other forms of bigotted violence because it doesn't effect you.