
LEGENDARY actor Jack Nicholson is said to be part of a sex ritual that will ultimately end his life by the end of it. The private company Last Wishes specializes in giving old timers an experience “they won’t forget”, very reminiscent of the film the late actor starred The Bucket List (2011). Last Wishes works with the families of the elderly to grant their family member with an experience or experiences before they pass. Services start from five hundred thousand dollars all the way up to a whopping eight million. We spoke with the CEO of Last Wishes Connel Phillips who had this to say; “we stay true to the families wishes, we work hard and send out multiple members of staff to the home in order to get to know the person, we send multiple because at an older age many of our clients are less trusting of people outside the family so we make sure to find a person they click with. Jack has been great, really great, really funny guy. His request is well… different to say the least… but we have to respect what he wants. We have arranged privately with another organization and planned this event to occur at his Hills residence. We wish to disclose more but due to the client we can’t say any more than what you already are aware of… of course there is a possibility he can and will die at the end of it. We are making sure to have paramedics on call whilst the ritual takes place”.

There are no further details regarding the private sex ritual, will Jack be dead by the end of it? Only time will tell. The sex ritual takes place at Jack’s Hollywood Hills residence on the 18th of July, don’t miss updates.