alright this is getting spicy, i was of little faith apparently

  • Zuzak [fae/faer, she/her]
    8 months ago

    I don't want to convert to Catholicism but if they ever get to a point where I can call people heretics for being transphobic I might be tempted.

    Ofc this is a long way from that but it's a big step from the Pope's previous position of comparing trans people to nuclear weapons.

    • janny [they/them]
      8 months ago

      Ofc this is a long way from that but it's a big step from the Pope's previous position of comparing trans people to nuclear weapons.


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      naw you need to convert to pro-lgbt orthodox christianity

      there is this one orthdox priest who has a bunch of videos about why protestants are dumb and creationism is stupid and is militantly pro-trans. to the point that there are a bunch of right-wing christians on youtube complaining that when they were transphobic he DM'ed him and told them to kill themselves which is absolute 100% king energy.

      he's genuinely very insightful and has made me consider conversion from time to time.

      here is a banger from our king