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  • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
    8 months ago

    You complain when people take your post seriously, you complain when people dismiss it, you complain when people "put words in your mouth" and whine about straw men but do exactly those things to others, you write pages of comments but suddenly refuse to elaborate when pressed on an inconvenient point.

    What are you doing here besides sectarianism and acting like a horse's ass?

      8 months ago

      Look mate, I don't owe you shit. Not even an explanation. But I'll tell you this, seeing tankies evolve into their "debate me bro" forms is amusing to me. Seeing them get more and more upset because I refuse to play their game is amusing to me. Seeing them think I'm very upset is amusing to me.

      This is all the more amusing because I didn't even try to annoy tankies but they came over here to be annoyed.

      Look into your heart, you know this to be true.

      Y'all are buzzing around an anarchist community as if I personally kicked your hornet's nest for posting this one meme. This is amusing to me.

      Y'all are good peeps when dunking on libs, but fucking hell, choose your battles, eh?