Won't anyone think of the $700 billion company?
Workers of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains.
Won't anyone think of the $700 billion company?
I couldn't verify that Maj. Charlie Dietz didn't shit his pants
Make a whole sport of it. If they manage to seize the electoral college votes they get to overturn the results and install the loser of the election.
In burgerland they charge you for staying in prison so it's not even cheap
Can you get me a bag of funyuns and a diet dew thanks
Once again confirming that s never actually interact with real women
They can't risk anyone getting the idea that they support progressive causes.
I don't think that's it, that one goes do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do
Cybertruck fleet will cost MUCH less to maintain
Uncritical support to pneumonia in these trying times
And this is why feeding people is a bad thing
He only feels that way because they're not posting on his own hitlerite platform
they've literally banned trade unions
Two seconds of googling and I found a Chinese law protecting trade unions, straight from an official Chinese government website http://en.npc.gov.cn.cdurl.cn/2021-12/24/c_791373.htm
This Law is developed in accordance with the Constitution to guarantee the status of trade unions in the state's political, economic and social activities, define their rights and obligations, and ensure they play a role in socialist modernization.
No investigation, no right to speak.
Also keep your masks on