• BynarsAreOk [none/use name]
    7 months ago

    This is just a miss so I hope its just a meme. Pretty sure if it was a Chinese project the reaction would be exactly the opposite.

    Anyway money is fake and doesn't matter anyway. In the US case It isn't a zero sum game, its not like money from say education is going to the military. The actual fact is they don't want to spend it on those things. The US government can afford an essentially unlimited budget. The reasons things don't get done are entirely ideological period.

    At the end of the day, if you had the power to say, reduce the US military budget substantially and actually invest in the public good then you obviously already won the class war and the US is no longer ruled by capitalist class interests. In that case, sure go ahead and bean count, otherwise it really doesn't matter. The alternative is to pretend the US is some liberal/sucdem shit country that must have a balanced budget, "oh noes money going to random stupid science project is money not going to public healthcare". No that is not how it works at all, that is liberal/neoliberal economics shit.

    These science projects are important IMO because quite literally nobody else would do them otherwise. Heck I would even say its one of the very few good things the US and co actualy do for humanity.

    • @pillow
      7 months ago

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