do you not smell body odor or do you just get used to it?

Genuinely curious. I have met a few people of different walks of life that I could tell did not and I have always used it, so I’m just curious. I know there was a couple that stopped using it for around a year, and they said their body actually end up not perspiring as much as when they used antiperspirant, but I’d like to know other people’s experiences.

  • D61 [any]
    7 months ago

    Deodorant /= Antiperspirant.

    I sweat like a hog due to having a chunk of my work life being physical labor and being too poor to keep the house air conditioned at 45F when its 110F outside. So antiperspirant would just paralyze my armpit glands but nowhere else.

    Also, I got tired of spending money on deodorant and having more plastic to throw away and just started making a 50/50 (ish) mix of coconut oil and baking soda and just smearing some on my sweaty parts and it does okay at covering my stink.

    Whether I use deodorant or not.. I notice that my smell changes when I'm around people (they tend to make me a touch anxious), some fabrics, and clothes that fit really tightly under my armpits. Also, I've noticed a HUGE difference in pit smell between full underarm bush and shaved.