Have ya'll ever met eugenicists and racists? those are some of the most natalist motherfuckers out there. You think all the mystic woo woo "having children is like +1 good" bullshit you want, THOSE PEOPLE THINK THAT HARDER THAN YOU DO!!!

This rant is sponsored by yesterday's grandma demanding in the form of a question when I'm going to shit out babies for her and also random strawman comments in an obscure subreddit.

Edit: ITT: people actually starting to bully me for not wanting to have kids. Did not expect this on "leftist" website.

  • mars [none/use name]
    7 months ago

    I'm in a similar boat. There is no anti-natalist program or anything, like I have no intention of chasing people around about it, but at the same time deciding to have a child, for me, seems like playing dice with someone else's life. Especially in the world we've inherited, but it's not like things were perfect 50 years ago or whatever.

    With that said, all the anti natalist spaces I've encountered online have been full of cranks at best, xenophobes at worst.

    • Dessa [she/her]
      7 months ago

      Ah, and I just never go to those spaces. What is there to say about it?