I'm about to move out of California at long last, to restore an old house in a distant land, start the initial planning phases of growing my own food on a larger scale around it, and a while after that, experience fatherhood for the first time.

I won't be completely off the grid, but I really don't like using my phone for anything but phone calls, and posting here while I have so many other things that take priority would be a really annoying and counterproductive distraction that I might get pulled into anyway if I got carried away or got into lurking and then saw someone proverbially wrong on the internet. I know very well how that tends to go by now.

I may return someday, probably when I have time to complete my next novel. It is currently a work in progress, and I will almost certainly want to share it here when it is done.

Until then, may you never stop posting, comrades!


  • copgutz [she/her]
    10 months ago

    Best of luck! I don't interact much, but your comments and posts have consistently been top quality and given me a lot to think about. You've got a talent for putting words to ideas I've only been able to vaguely grasp towards, so even as mostly a lurker I know that you'll be missed, but someone's got to do the hard work of raising the next generation's posters.

    Would love to give your previous novel(s) a try if you'd let me know where to buy them.

    • citrussy_capybara [ze/hir]
      10 months ago



      https://ulyssestuggy.com/tulpa-uprising-first-5-chapters/ free from author
