Luigi's Mansion: Landowning fatcat engages in brutal anti-ghost campaign to clear illegally-acquired residence of native inhabitants (ghosts)
Ghostbusters: Working class regular joes with multiple PhDs establish a communally-owned public service that must contend with the far-right EPA's radical "no DIY nuclear reactors" agenda
Luigi's Mansion: Landowning fatcat engages in brutal anti-ghost campaign to clear illegally-acquired residence of native inhabitants (ghosts)
Ghostbusters: Working class regular joes with multiple PhDs establish a communally-owned public service that must contend with the far-right EPA's radical "no DIY nuclear reactors" agenda
Luigi doesn't keep the mansion it dissapears at the end
Luigi isn't a landlord he is a good wholesome lad
Destroys the house and flips the land, displacing the original occupants
Never meet your heroes
wholesome ladholdsome land