Which is what most westerns do. At a certain point you can judge people for falling for bullshit.

  • Great_Leader_Is_Dead
    10 months ago

    I see this sentiment get spread around a lot but anecdotally idk if it's all that true anymore, especially not with younger people. Everyone is more online these days, and I constantly hear coworkers and customers at my job chatting about shit I'm surprised they even know about. Some Zoomer cashier was discussing BRICS with a customer, and this is just a normie ass lower middle class punk. Also fyi his take on it's was god awful. My boomer retire dad knows what NAFO is. Maybe it a byproduct of living in the DC metro area, but it does seem like I see more and more people dropping hot takes about countries they can't find on a fucking map these days and most of them are brainwormed to fuck. Awful politics abound on tiktok and reddit and the normies seem to be engaging with it.