I just learned about this a few minutes ago.

Sen. Rosen also says the initial goal of opening by 2028 — just in time for the U.S. Summer Olympics in Los Angeles — is still on track.

    • spectre [he/him]
      7 months ago

      That project is not comparable to this project. This project is in the Mojave desert. No mountains, no farmland/landowners to deal with, no bureaucracy cause nobody gives a flying fuck as long as the company puts up the money to build it.

      There is one big problem, but it's going to get built, and probably by '28.

      • jack [he/him, comrade/them]M
        7 months ago

        It's also mostly running in the highway median so the ROW is even easier than normal desert running, plus everyone stuck in car traffic will have to seethe as the train goes flying right by them