I'm pretty new to the leftist online space and only recently discovered that I probably have asd but have known for a while that I have ADHD. You ever feel like your interest in communism is fleeting and/or a temporary hyperfixation? I know I do this alot where for a few months I'll find a topic and it's all I'll talk about or think about and then eventually it drops out of my consciousness permanently and I don't think about it ever again.

I don't want that to happen with communism or politics in general. I feel I have a moral reason to stick with this one but I fear it is out of my hands. Do you guys struggle with this too? I feel it would be easier to stick with it if I made it materially part of my life through volunteer action or party organization but there isn't much volunteer work where I live and there isn't a party presence either. How do y'all navigate this?

  • AlpineSteakHouse [any]
    7 months ago

    I wouldn't worry about it honestly. Most people here agree that caring too much about politics is bad for your mental health. Volunteer when you can and get involved with local stuff.

    Unless you live in a developing country, your interest in communism is like a medieval peasant's interest in free-market economics. Good for fun but you both live in conditions that prevent practical use of that knowledge. Most people want to be the next Lenin but there's almost a zero percent chance that any socialist project takes root in the West within the next 50 years.