I wanted to learn more about the intersection between religious and communism. I've heard some stuff, but it was mostly from the Christian perspective (liberation theology), so I was hoping to hear more views.

  • asa_red_heathen [he/him]
    9 months ago

    Personally my religious beliefs are far more influenced by Marxism than vice versa. Usually when I think of something religious I'll try to analyze it from a Materialist perspective to better inform my beliefs to match my understanding of reality. Of course that goes both ways, and I try to connect my faith to my political beliefs as well, it's just much stronger in the other direction.

    I guess I'm more open to accepting religion than atheist MLs, but I think most religious communists will feel the same way so that's not unique to Paganism. One aspect that I do lean on Heathenry much more heavily is in how I conceive of the universe as a whole, and how it functions, and how human life is shaped by it as a material thing; but that's stuff that largely falls in the realm of metaphysics so of course my religious beliefs will take primacy there. Determinism is a good example where I think Marxism and Heathenry meld together well. A big part of why I believe Determinism is true is because of my religious beliefs, and my understanding of Materialism has only strengthened that.