• the_itsb [she/her, comrade/them]
    7 months ago

    I have basically no experience with mass transit, having lived most of my life in a rural area with only a notoriously unreliable bus line that services the county seat and university area. I've played a few hundred hours of Cities: Skylines and love playing pretend with digital infrastructure, but really, when it comes to transit, I am a bumpkin and I know it.

    Even I am astounded at the wild ignorance on display in those anecdotes.

    Is transit just one of those things that is deeply misunderstood by most people or does this guy know some world-class yokels?

    • SILLY BEAN@lemmygrad.ml
      7 months ago

      mass transit is massivley missunderstood, especially in america. but these two anecdotes are a special kind of dumb

      • wtypstanaccount04 [he/him]
        7 months ago

        I kind of see where the people are coming from. The first one understands that trains are good but doesn't understand how high speed rail works nor how rapid transit works. The second person might have mixed up MARTA with the Atlanta Streetcar, which is cute but is very much at the whims of traffic, owing to how poorly new streetcar "systems" (read: one streetcar line in mixed traffic as a handout to real estate developers to gentrify downtowns) are built in America.