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  • mushroom [he/him]
    7 months ago

    i haven't witnessed this myself in person but you aren't the first person i've heard talk about this and i've seen people post like this online. i'd like to believe that it's a result of their worldview beginning to crumble. for the first time for them, zionism is no longer the unchallenged, dominant take in America, and for the first time it's clear to a majority of people how truly evil Israel and the US have been behaving. they've been told that the IDF is "the world's most moral army," but they can't square that with the videos of IDF soldiers throwing their literal shit around in demolished Gazan homes, they can't square that with besieging and bombing hospitals or the million other war crimes that have been committed in the last two months. They can't accept yet that the average image of a zionist in most people's minds is no longer a bright-eyed college kid who went to work on a kibbutz, it's a raving madman telling a random egyptian halal cart guy that he should get his fingernails torn out, it's israelis online celebrating the killing of thousands of palestinian children because they'll just grow up to be in hamas anyways. they're seeing the logical endpoint of the thing that they've supported their whole life and not being able to reckon that they might not be the good people they've always considered themselves to be, and doubling down and hoping that everyone else will shut up about it. hopefully they will be able to see the error of their ways soon.

    • RyanGosling [none/use name]
      7 months ago

      I read this oped about how anti-Zionism was also pretty big during the intifadas. But then 9/11 happened and the US immediately lost all solidarity because they are children who’s drawn to shiny keys.

      But the author worries that Israel could be conspiring to commit a false flag terrorist attack in the west in order to regain support by essentially showing what the consequences of not containing terrorism looks like and boost elections in the attacked/allied countries. The author cited Israel and the US’ funding and training of Syrian “rebels” as evidence that there is the capacity and manpower to do something if they want

      Essentially, Zionist strategy of tension

    • emizeko [they/them]
      7 months ago

      videos of IDF soldiers throwing their literal shit around in demolished Gazan homes

      for real? I missed that one.