Also does anyone have a way to turn threads into something I can download, so they don't get deleted?

  • Nakoichi [they/them]
    7 months ago

    It works to do what?

    Preserve the capitalist mode of production by placating some workers within specific national boundaries?

    look I get where you are coming from but it's not "good" or any sort of solution to any of the contradictions of capitalism.

    • Egon [they/them]
      7 months ago

      It works to alleviate homelessness and starvation within the country, whilst working within the capitalist imperialist system that will be the downfall of us all if we do nothing about it.
      I think capitalism is bad, but within that badness, UBI seems - based on the data and research available - to be a tool that makes it less bad for those existing within it.

      • Nakoichi [they/them]
        7 months ago

        Is that something worth fighting for? It isn't ever going to happen and it is a distraction from actual class struggle.

        Keep your eye on the ball comrade.

        • Egon [they/them]
          7 months ago

          I dunno, maybe? I don't know what path forward will bring about the change needed, and maybe it's fine to just try to improve things where you believe they can be improved until then

          • Nakoichi [they/them]
            7 months ago

            Yes and that is what I am helping work toward through Chunka Luta.

            UBI is not our goal. I have to reiterate: Keep your eye on the ball.

            • Egon [they/them]
              7 months ago

              I did not say you weren't working towards it?
              I feel like a broken record: I dunno, maybe? I don't know what path forward will bring about the change needed, and maybe it's fine to just try to improve things where you believe they can be improved until then. I think it might be feasible to implement UBI, since it has already been implemented in many trial runs, and labour movements have won concessions many times before.

              I've tried occupying, fighting, blockading, sabotaging and organizing and none of it feels like it has mattered in any way. Maybe this will. I don't know. Maybe.

                • Egon [they/them]
                  7 months ago

                  The same way we've seen other concessions become implemented. The same way universal healthcare, public retirement funds, universal education, student-wages, maternity leave, paid vacations, free public infrastructure, public housing and the like has become implemented before.

                  These came by as a result of strong labour movements and a general mass movement working towards getting specific goals implemented. These movements eventually forcing the capitalists hand.
                  I don't think these mass movements formed around a core ideology generally - at least not as far as I can tell from the examples I can think of (for example the soviets' call for "peace, bread and land" the cuban revolutionaries focus on working the local community, the maoists focus on helping the locals as well).
                  The movements were formed by an ideological core group. That core group gained support from the masses by way of working towards specific goals that alleviated suffering and improved conditions. Other stuff came after.
                  That's a very condensed walkthru of my general understanding of historical labour movements and then a sidetrack into revolutionairy movements because I can't avoid getting sidetracked. It's very reductive and lacking in many areas, and there are many other ways of analysing these events, I know.

                  Maybe UBI can be such a cause that helps gain mass support. Maybe it can't, I don't know. Maybe it's just a singular concession that cannot be a part of a greater movement, but then that concession still seems to be a thing that would make life better for people within the system. Maybe it's a pipe dream, I don't know, we're talking hypotheticals.

                    • Egon [they/them]
                      7 months ago

                      Yes all of those things exist, otherwise they would have been bad examples.
                      What do you define by "worked"?

      • Vampire [any]M
        6 months ago

        It works to alleviate homelessness and starvation within the country, whilst working within the capitalist imperialist system that will be the downfall of us all if we do nothing about it. I think capitalism is bad, but within that badness, UBI seems - based on the data and research available - to be a tool that makes it less bad for those existing within it.

        This is welfare. This is what welfare does.

        • Egon [they/them]
          6 months ago

          Yes you are correct. Ubi is a form of welfare.

          • Vampire [any]M
            6 months ago

            Most red support the welfare state under capitalism, as espoused by Clement Attlee, Jeremy Corbyn, etc.

            Why should we persuaded to suddenly extend it to employed people?

            That's all UBI people want to do when you strip away the fancy terminology and American Thought: give people with jobs the dole.

            What's the argument in favour of giving people with jobs the dole?

            • Egon [they/them]
              6 months ago

              The argument for it is the results as presented in those 91 research articles i linked.
              If you wanna argue with someone about uni, argue with the dude that compiled those articles, I'm barely thru the first few of them.

              • Vampire [any]M
                6 months ago

                A pilot study where a group of people are given money tells us nothing about the effects on the economy of UBI. How will it increase tax? How will salaries adjust?

                Looking at the 91 research articles, half of them don't even claim to be about UBI. They don't mention UBI. They are studies on direct cash transfers which is a different thing.

                • Egon [they/them]
                  6 months ago

                  Okay? I don't really understand why you're trying to argue with me as if I'm some sort of arch-ubi advocate.

                  • Vampire [any]M
                    6 months ago

                    This isn't reddit, we're not recreationally arguing, we're here to learn

                    • Egon [they/them]
                      6 months ago

                      Then why are you trying to start an argument, instead of reading the research articles?

                      • Vampire [any]M
                        6 months ago

                        why are you trying to start an argument
