• AcidSmiley [she/her]
    10 months ago

    As a quick summary, this is about Christian Ziegler, chairman of the Florida Republikan party, and his wife Bridget Ziegler, who is involved with the racist and queerphobic book banner group Moms for Liberty. Turns out they had a threesome with a woman some time ago and about a year after that,

    CW: SA

    when they wanted to meet up with the woman again, Brdiget didn't show up, but Christian did in spite of the woman not being interested when Bridget wasn't involved. Christian then proceeded to enter her appartment, where he r*ped her.

    Kat discusses this from the perspective of a straight woman who's familiar with the swinger community. I do not always agree with her takes on relationships and sexuality, as she just has a different focus and feels differently about a lot of stuff, being a heterosexual trans woman who has spent a lot of time living stealth, but i can respect her views and reognize that she just has different views on how open you are about your transness because she's a black trans woman who has spent much of her adult life living in the more conservative parts of California dating straight cis dudes. That's just a context where you have different safety considerations than me being a white, bi but mostly lesbian and t4t dating trans woman in one of the more trans inclusive areas of Germany. In any case, i find that a lof of her takes on unicorn hunting are very similar to those of many lesbian women even though she approaches the topic from a different angle than the lesbian voices i've heard about this topic.

    What's particularly noteworthy here is that once more, the cishet dude being super outspoken about supposed "groomers" is actually a sexual predator himself. I can get behind Kat's take that at least in some cases, the fight against sex ed is motivated by such people wanting to reduce people's ability to set boundaries for themselves and identify and call out consent violations. This story mostly seems to get framed as one about conservative hypocrits in the media, but it's more than that. The core of the matter is not that the chairman of the Florida GOP is married to a bisexual woman, but that he is a r_pist.