• blakeus12 [he/him]
    6 months ago
    1. Immediately have the current presidential administration executed, along with the senate and house of representatives.

    2. Change the name and flag of the country to something completely different

    3. rewrite the constitution to include guaranteed rights for minorities and guaranteed rights to housing, healthcare, food, reproductive rights

    4. hire a council of indigenous american leaders to coordinate a landback campaign

    5. forcibly seize all major corporations

    6. end the embargo on Cuba, pull out of Guantanamo Bay

    7. sell all foreign military bases to the countries they are based in

    8. publicly denounce 'Israel' and embargo all shipments to the zionist entity

    I'm sure i missed a few things, I'm sure some comrades could help me out

      • huf [he/him]
        6 months ago

        wanting nothing to do with fascist israel is not antisemitism, you dingus. no matter how many times you zionists repeat this, it's still nonsense.

        and no, if you read what the previous poster said, they'd like to exchange the current, deeply undemocratic government that by definition caters to a minority of citizens with one that serves the majority.

        edit: incidentally, "long live america" means killing a lot of american citzens AND citizens of other countries. but you dont mind that, do you?

        • blakeus12 [he/him]
          6 months ago

          of course this ee doesn't mind. it's not like they know what they're talking about. this dipshit is just regurgitating his talking points that porky-happy taught them

      • blakeus12 [he/him]
        6 months ago

        the admin, house and senate have committed actions that ended in the deaths of easily upwards of 5 million people, americans or otherwise, and that's being generous. Just because they are "civilians" (who are in the pocket of the ruling class in america) doesn't mean all of them shouldn't have their fucking heads strung up on the golden gate bridge for what they've done.

      • casskaydee [she/her]
        6 months ago

        Wait until you hear how many German citizens were killed when the Soviets liberated my family from Nazi occupied Poland