Read this to the tune of the Liberty Mutual jingle
Bernie was too radical for the party to allow to be president, not too radical to get the popular support needed
Do you remember what Harris's answer was when asked how she would be different from Biden?
She said she would appoint a Republican in her cabinet
This meme is like fly paper for the most propagandized liberals on earth
It was also very much not socialized healthcare
MPREGMAFIA is such a good username lol
Oh right and the power up that gave it to you was a leaf
Pretty sure it's the feather power up from Mario 3 that lets you fly
Wernicke's aphasia simulator
I'm as left as they come but I don't know what to do with it but I don't know what to do with it but it is a lot of fun to do the thing that I don't think I can do it but I have to get a new one of the other one of the other things I want to do.
"I'm as left as they come but... we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children"
You can only beat the game via genocide route
I've worked with countless BIPOC people who were proud members of the US military
Kamala Harris literally campaigned on maintaining the US's status as the most lethal military in the world
I'm pretty sure the OP was actually referencing I, Robot