• WayeeCool [comrade/them]
    6 months ago

    Iirc research has shown adults with shaved heads are perceived as more confident and assertive. Seems to be the case for both men and women. Something about just shaving your head or a Patrick Stewart (or is Lenin more iconic?) close cut rather than trying to hide balding makes a person seem more mature, higher status. Maybe it signals that a person isn't filled with existential dread about aging and has the self assured confidence to age with dignity rather than butchering themselves in an attempt to look like a child their entire life.

    Male pattern balding is a direct result of testosterone (dihydrotestosterone, the more potent form responsible for sexual differentiation during embryogenesis and puberty), the drugs to prevent it are a type of testosterone blocker, so maybe human psychology at some subconscious level associates it with masculinity and maturity.

    • oktherebuddy
      6 months ago

      the drugs to prevent it are not testosterone blockers. along with the speculation about subconscious human psychology this is the most bro science thing I've read on this site in quite a while. makes me doubt that there is research showing people perceive bald men that way. feel like I just mainlined a joe rogan episode.