These are loose, unserious thoughts

  • I feel like local republicans are a dime a dozen, and if you're in a democrat dominated area, you might get a position based on rules. In my area you can't have a true majority, only a 2/3rds majority. So that means there are always seats that go to Republicans, even though they get like 1/2 the vote.
  • Even if it only works once, you get like 2ish years to fuck with republicans all you want, undermining all their goals.
  • Some positions run unopposed and just get filled.
  • You can use your advanced online degree in Hogology to blend right in. All it takes is a trip to the local Carhartt store for the right garb.
  • If enough of you band together, you can probably out maneuver the command structure of your local party and start running your people for local positions.

I have no idea what I'm talking about, really. Consider this the ultimate bit, the bit to end all bits. Infiltrate the party from the ground level, outnumber the local leadership, and shrink the Overton window just a smidgen. Nah, this is probably a dumb idea.

Anyway, happy Friday!

  • Sinistar
    8 months ago

    "I'm just a regular working class person, and I think that the working people should own the land and the factories instead of a bunch of ivy league rich kids."

    Seriously though you might be able to do something with this tactic if you had enough people but the national party would take notice and step in. It would be very funny to see that the Dems and Reps are so similar that DSA entryist types can use the same strategy in both parties, though.

    • 420stalin69
      8 months ago

      Im sick of these woke liberals with their craft beer trying to tell me who’s a man and who’s a woman. It ain’t up to them. Every hard working American has a right to choose for themselves what gender they are.