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  • voight [he/him, any]
    5 months ago

    I've gone through periods where I had to discover what nasty habits I develop when losing my shit so I empathize, not judging:

    1.) Please don't chew your toesnails off lol that's very bad for your health. Think touching your face times one-thousand.

    2.) That's just a substitution for a bidet, that's a good habit. This is something you should do more.

    3.) Uhhh forgivable honestly, why not give it a rinse afterward? but idk what you mean by "scum" so I'm a tad frightened m8

    4.) Probably could give you mild chance gum cancer just to come up with a reason to be judgmental. Don't smooch anyone that way please.

    5.) You should do this it isn't hard. You don't want your place to burn down.

    • Fudoshin ️🏳️‍🌈
      5 months ago

      I'll think about the toenail biting! It's just kinda satisfying nibbling the nail off cos it gives my leg a stretch and slobbers my toe like a wet heatsink.

      Squeaky, happy bumhole. 👍

      I think the crust/scum is the cinammon I put in some of my coffees (highly recommended btw!). Coffee on it's own probably wouldn't collect but with a small amount of cinammon it dries out round the top so you end up with a crust. It sounds awful but funnily enough I HATE the dribble lines you get on the outside of the cup. Where the coffee drys on the outside edge where your lip meets the cup. I scoot the cup round and clean the outside with a wet sleeve all the time to avoid it but I'll happily leave the crusty scum inside for a month!! 😂

      I'll defo have to sort out the oven cos everytime I use it, it stinks the kitchen out and smells of multiple burnt foods! :/