pls, how do I change this

  • Infamousblt [any]
    5 months ago

    I love mine yeah. It's childish and ridiculous and honestly that's why I love it. Those of us millennials who grew up in backwards repressed households gotta enjoy our childhood as adults instead. Covering my entire living space with ridiculous lights is one of those ways I live today for the child that barely survived it then.

    • raven [he/him]
      5 months ago

      Oof I didn't mean to denigrate that for you. You certainly shouldn't feel bad about that rat-salute-2

      Personally, I wish they would just include an off switch.

      • Infamousblt [any]
        5 months ago

        Oh you didn't, I'm happy with who I am. RGB lights are stupid as fuck and not for everyone, they are just for my particular brand of stupid Care-Comrade

        5 months ago

        all do digitally, some do physically.

        and it should theoretically be simple to make a physical switch off the adressable header if you wanted a physical switch.

        • raven [he/him]
          5 months ago

          I haven't found that to be true of cheap mice and keyboards, or I have to do a certain key combo every time it loses power. I usually end up desoldering the LEDs, but sometimes that makes it stop working so I have to resolder them and put tape around them.

            5 months ago

            for keyboards and mice, that would depend if it came with software, if it did, it probably has an off setting (e. g my old redragon mouse did, and that was like a 12$ mouse like in idk 2016?) keyboard definetely would be hard if it was a really dirt cheap keyboard.