Uhh let me be clear, if you like your feudal lord, you can keep him
Bit idea: DM me your bit idea
Uhh let me be clear, if you like your feudal lord, you can keep him
They're 100% hanging out together now. Some based as fuck pets
I'm so sorry comrade. Your love for this beautiful creature was clearly so deep and I know he felt it. You gave him a full and wonderful life. I'm gonna miss seeing all the Mr. Softie pics he was such a cutie pie. I'm glad that his passing was relatively quick and that he got to do it alongside you getting as much comfort as you could give.
This kind of thing really sucks. Don't be afraid to lean on your communities, including and especially all of us. We're here for you.
This is exactly what we need for the next generation of Beanis
Oh okay. So at least Twitch already handled that nerd.
Wow I can't believe Trump is doing this before he's even president
Did he say that on twitch? Folks should go find that clip and spam report it
Mr. Softie is a real one. I hope he pulls through or goes fast either way. It's tough to lose a buddy like this but I have seen how much you love this cat and I'm sure he feels it too. You gave him a great life full of love
It's a custard in a pie crust. It ain't a cake.
This is what we call non ethical non monogamy. You can choose to end your relationship with us but you don't control our relationships with each other you stinky bird!
That sucks but also hopefully an opportunity to learn and improve for next time? Or was it all like random bullshit that you couldn't really prevent
In this interview we will only throw softballs and also completely avoid discussing some of his biggest stances on the most important issues. Our viewers will think this is a scathing expose that will surely tear him down once and for all
Real posters know how to metapost without metaposting
When they killed RIF is fun I decided I'll never go back. And I won't. Fuck
No see Putler and Ruzzzia are all totally dumb irrational actors and they can't possibly think of a complicated solution such as "put all those soldiers to work on public things". They'll surely just let all those soldiers go instantly unemployed and let them be disgruntled and that will lead to a western friendly revolution! Putin cooked himself here and can't possibly think of ways to prevent it!
LCD Soundsystem is a bunch of music nerds for a bunch of music nerds so I love that they do this. Why bother with the pretense everyone at that show knows what's going on. They did the same when I saw them as well.
Thanks for sharing, this is cool. I kinda get like a song from it, like I hear it to a song that doesn't exist.