• TheLepidopterists [he/him]
    5 months ago

    I actually only know these bands at all from torrenting a huge file of twee/indie pop stuff on a whim when I was like 19 and I listened very unevenly to it. I know the phrase throw Aggi off the bridge but only from a Tullycraft song that referenced it, don't think I've ever even listened to Black Tambourine.

    I don't even know what made me do this, I think maybe I watched But I'm a Cheerleader and really liked the Go Sailor songs?

    • a_blanqui_slate [none/use name, any]
      5 months ago

      Sean from Tullycraft along with his wife Liz have a wonderful indie pop radio show on Friday nights called Pop Songs your new boyfriend's too stupid to know about on Space 101FM out of Seattle. They upload the shows online if you want to jump back in to the current indie pop landscape. It's how I discovered Me Rex among others.