Group of black teens attacks a guy. Minor injuries. What's the reddit thread filled with?

"carry a gun" "cops on every corner" "animals"

what gets downvoted? me mentioning generational poverty.

death to the whites.

Edit: came back, didn't think this would blow up the way it did, but it has been hilarious how many bad takes are from people with an @ in their username. This hilarity is why i love HexBear.

astronaut-2 astronaut-1

  • Monk3brain3 [any, he/him]
    8 months ago

    It is wild the fear that white Americans have of non whites. They really think equality will mean ending up in matrix style slave pens or something as revenge for the historical atrocities they've comitted against non whites. Hate the Brits or French as much as you want, and they are plenty racist I'm sure, but the unique paranoia of minorities in the US is absolutely insane. Are the US racists just fat cowards while in the rest of the world they are racist but just not as cowardly. I don't have the answer

    • AlpineSteakHouse [any]
      8 months ago

      They really think equality will mean ending up in matrix style slave pens or something as revenge for the historical atrocities they've comitted against non whites.

      To be fair, a lot of white people here think the exact same thing but just support it. Most white people here like to self-flagellate to seem cool.

      • Poogona [he/him]
        8 months ago

        Rare moment when I can say as a hwite person

        but tbh I do the self-flagellation for the strange psychological satisfaction it gives. Like if I say "white people belong in a hole" I'm sort of resolving a sort of (admittedly very irony-poisoned) internal conflict. Like saying it aloud to myself makes it clearer how absurd it is or something I dunno

    • whatup
      8 months ago

      I’ve lived abroad and can tell you that mayos from settler colonial countries like the US are way, way, waaaaaaaay more racist than euro mayo, not that the latter group isn’t also racist too. Maybe Australia and white South Africans are worse than the US, but not by that much. But yeah, American redditors who think that the US is a slightly flawed but basically perfect paragon of racial equality are delusional.

      • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
        8 months ago

        I've found that European mayo racism is the same, just directed at different targets. Ask a French person about the Polish, or Greeks, or the Roma. Or just Muslims in general.

      • ImOnADiet
        8 months ago

        settler colonial countries like the US are way, way, waaaaaaaay more racist than euro mayo,

        bruh. there have been soccer games where europeans throw bananas at the black players and shit. and dont get me started on how they act if you bring up romani people around them, they sound indistinguishable from the worst southern racists i've ever met in my life.

        American redditors who think that the US is a slightly flawed but basically perfect paragon of racial equality are delusional.

        fr*nch people think this about france as well, the gardeners are just as deranged and racist as their settler colonies.

      • Monk3brain3 [any, he/him]
        8 months ago

        yeah the settler colonial mentality is especially destructive and that's probably whats going on here. I mean its anecdotal but my experiences have been more or less the same as yours.