Havent gone further than the end of the driveway in the last 2 years.

  • sappho [she/her]
    7 months ago

    I physically can't fucking leave because I started renting a third floor apartment when I was still able to move pretty well with long covid, and now I'm way worse and there's no elevator lol. Those stairs will wipe me out for days so yeah, I haven't left in maybe a year or two now. Maintaining the ability to walk to the toilet is higher on my priority list

    • TimeTravel_0
      7 months ago

      i feel that, idk if its long covid or depression but I got a bit of that fatigue too but not as bad just tired all the time. worse than that though is the brain fog, feels like my brain just soft resets if I think too hard, and I cant form long term memories very well.

      • sappho [she/her]
        7 months ago

        My brain is like that too. "Soft resets" is a good way to put it, it's like all my thoughts just drop and I have to wait 15 seconds for everything to unscramble before I can start thinking again. Please be gentle with yourself - I wish I was at the beginning. If you ever end up developing the variety of long covid I have (ME/CFS) you can actually make yourself much worse by pushing through fatigue, as the exertion causes more of your cells to shift into a damaged state. And it's hard to notice at first because you will just feel generically tired/flu-ish/physically sore like 24-72 hours after pushing yourself.

    • Vampire [any]
      7 months ago

      Your mobility is affected by long covid?

      • LesbianLiberty [she/her]
        7 months ago

        Yeah, it's not unheard of. Physics Girl has been completely immobilized and her story's decently public if you're cool with watching Smarter Every Day's video on it.