So some guy i see on a different shift was talking to me the other night with my co worker. We talk a lot, this time it was about cartoons or whatever, and he dropped a “K*** yourself” on me. I was really taken aback by it, didnt really know how to respond. But tried to brush it off as a joke in bad taste. Then today, as always we work closely with each other so were talking like normal. Was wrapping a pallet and he randomly came up to me and said “you look like a pedophile”. I wanted to talk to someone about it, but someone who if i cried i wouldnt care as much. Texted my supervisor and told him i was scared about talking to anyone about it, because he’ll know its me…and he went to HR. Now im fucking nervous cause i gotta tell HR what happened while also hoping they dont tell him BECAUSE HE KNOWS ITS GONNA BE ME

yall ever just want to completely vanish from existence