Some call him teflon hasan because no internet bullshit ever sticks to him. We have seen generations of breadtubers come and go during his career (which is only a few years to be fair) but absolutely NUTHING can stop this man. Hasan is the kind of guy who could shoot a person on 5th avenue and get away with it. Hasan could have been caught red handed on Epstein island and walked away with more twitch subscribers than he had the day before. He is the face of the modern left. He could call for red brigades to descend on the streets of New York or Washington, but he doesn’t. Because hasan is also a bonafide leftist theorist, for you see hasan has made a incomprehensible calculation in his head that buying Ferraris and Hollywood mansions for himself is more important to the leftist cause than calling for any direct action. Genius really, we already see the fruits of his labor as his brash spending habits have caused a complete collapse of the Israeli Zionist terrorists, Palestine is winning because of hasan, the left is winning, you are winning, that is unless you don’t donate your entire life savings to hasan in his twitch streams as an epic act of praxis. He might even say your name, probably not, but self sacrifice is the greatest virtue you can ever have unless your name is HASANABI FUCKING PIKER! DO YOU KNOW WHO HIS UNCLE IS?! DO YOU CHUD!?

  • CarmineCatboy2 [he/him]
    7 months ago

    For $120k/yr, you can get a Twitch stream e-celebrity or two union stewards.

    I think that the quality shared between the Red Nation podcast and Union stewardship is that neither is founded on a react youtuber's popularity.

    Unions are organizations centered around organized labor, and that's where union stewards draw a stipend. The Red Nation podcast seems to be an actual political movement. Hasan the twitch streamer is a guy entertaining people online. He draws an exceptional amount of money from it, but he's just another influencer online. Those types tend to wither in the real world.

    Hasan happens to entertain people in a way that makes them amenable or at least aware of left of center discourse. That creates a hope or an expectation for more. But an entertainer is likely what he'll always be. Hasan could take half of his earnings and pay people to be a political movement called the Hasan Unionizers but that would just be pretense and a boost for his own brand as an influencer. Nothing more.

    The way I see it he does the good his position in society enables him to. That is to say that while boosting leftist voices, discourse, and donating money to unionizers and orgs won't bring about social change, its a part of it. Entertainers like him are a force multiplier. Rather than expecting Hasan to successfully leverage his twitch streamer react career into a political career, one should likely seek local orgs and help boost the people he's given his voice to. You know, support the actual politicians and labor leaders.

    Look at the right. Their grifters don't all get elected or seek office. Instead of trying to get every Crowder out there to head a TERF org or to enter senate, the right wing audiences will boost those voices that do seek power. Media people have their role to play, and that's no more than Hasan will likely ever be.