A bus stop in fuckin' London, innit?

  • LibsEatPoop [any]
    7 months ago


    All my homies have stopped going to McDicks and Starbucks. And our life is just better for it, too.

      • PoliticalCustard@lemmygrad.ml
        7 months ago

        The best list I've come across is this one, it provides information on why to boycott and in some cases provides a link to supporting evidence: https://www.boycotzionism.com/

        Is says of Starbucks:

        Howard Shultz is the largest private owner of Starbucks shares and is a staunch zionist who invests heavily in Israel's economy including a recent $1.7 Billion investment in cybersecurity startup Wiz.

        And McDonald's:

        McDonald's Israel announced that it's giving away thousands of free meals to the Israel Defence Forces and citizens. Proof

        • LibsEatPoop [any]
          7 months ago

          Okay, holy shit, I just did a little googling on Wiz, the company Shultz funded. Three of its four founders were members of Unit 8200 the IDF unit "responsible for clandestine operation, collecting signal intelligence (SIGINT) and code decryption, counterintelligence, cyberwarfare, military intelligence, and surveillance" that is "the foremost technical intelligence agency in the world and stands on a par with the NSA."

          Like... come the fuck on.

          • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
            7 months ago

            "the foremost technical intelligence agency in the world and stands on a par with the NSA."

            When it comes to spy shit like this I always wonder if the world's foremost agency isn't in some bunker in Moscow or Beijing or Tehran laughing its ass off because they're so good at their jobs their opponents can't even name them.

        • LibsEatPoop [any]
          7 months ago

          So, on the one hand, websites like these are great for collecting and sharing information regarding which companies and people support Israel and how.

          But, as BDS points out, the long lists of companies to boycott that go viral often end up having the opposite effect, by making people feel like there's no point in boycotting any company at all.

          If anyone begins to feel that way after looking at all these companies, then just remember to focus your effort on the list endorsed by BDS - not because the other companies are "okay", but because that way we can collectively have the most impact.

      • LibsEatPoop [any]
        7 months ago

        Look into BDS. That's the organization that organized boycotts of companies in a tactic similar to one employed against South Africa during Apartheid. I linked their page that lists the main companies they are targeting right now, along with the reasons why.

        Both McDonalds and Starbucks are targets of "organic boycotts" i.e. companies that we, as consumers, decided to boycott of our own initiative - Starbucks sued its union (Starbucks Workers United) after it expressed solidarity with Palestine; McDonalds is even worse - it gave (still gives?) free meals to IDF soldiers and sued BDS after it criticized the company.

        The effect of the boycotts are being felt by the two companies.

        Hope this helps.