It's easy to meet people at events like disc golf leagues or board game meetups or whatever but I live in an apartment complex so I'm sure there's a few dozen people here my age that will dab and play video games and we don't have to drive 20 minutes to make that happen but how would one sus these people out should I put up posters I wish yik yak was still a thing I miss my college campus

  • farting_weedman [none/use name]
    4 months ago

    If your complex has an outside lawn area, set up a grill and start cooking out. Make it part of your weekly meal prep so you have an excuse to cook a big batch. Play music on a boombox. Drink some beers. When someone greets you, offer food and beer. When you’re winding up your cooking if there’s anyone around offer to let them use your coals.

    Do it again next week.

    When you’ve got a two month old weekly complex party and the landlord says you can’t grill because of fire code, do the cooking inside and make it into a potluck that meets outdoors together.

    Part of the allure of grillman is the chance that someone will see you and say hello. Be seen and greeted!