a little while ago i was on the public transit in the morning. since i have a regularish work schedule these days i see the same people here and there.

me (and everyone else) was overhearing a conversation by 2 teens. one of them was saying they only drink bottled water at school because they suspect lead contamination in the pipes. (the kids at this school look like rich kids, i don't think there is probably lead but it's not totally impossible i guess.)

after listening to this for a little while i turned around and gave that person friendly but firm lecture that if they think there is lead they should get a testing kit (which is free). [edit: and i told them how to do that.] why let other people drink water with lead? lead is very bad. if there is lead, you could be a hero for finding out. if not actually interested enough to do that, stop being a snob and drink the tap water because municipal water is a gift and you should appreciate it. then it was time for everyone to disembark.

now i see this person sometimes and we mutually actively ignore each other.

what do you think?

  • Wheaties [she/her]
    7 months ago

    get a woter bottle, drink it in front of them crinkling it loundly as you do so. Do the satisfying intake of air after big drink and say "yummy microplastics".

    Potential lead poisoning is a funny reason to seek out certain plastic contamination. Downside is that you have to drink from a plastic bottle. But. Cmon. Damage is done already, it's in everybody's guts