Edit: I didn't post the following quotes to say he's a communist. He's pivoting to centre-left positions with his rhetoric and 6 year plan. He called for reducing poverty by 2% in 6 years and for progressive taxation on the rich.

The true elite are all those serving Russia. Workers and soldiers, reliable, trustable, who have proven their devotion to Russia, the worthy people.

“The very word ‘elite’ has largely been discredited by those who, having no merit to society, consider themselves to be some kind of a caste with special rights and privileges. I specifically mean those who, in previous years, filled their pockets through all sorts of processes in the economy of the 1990s. Those are definitely not the elite,” the president said.

  • imikoy [she/her, comrade/them]
    7 months ago

    I will repeat it: THE PROCEDURE DOES NOT EXIST ANYMORE. It does not. There is no way to do it. 087/u, the document that proves that a person has legally changed their gender, does not have any power. I don't remember exactly, but I think f64 does not provide the ability to get HRT and is only useful in other countries to get HRT there, if that is needed.

    Here, the third page of the bill that was accepted in summer of 2023: http://publication.pravo.gov.ru/document/0001202307240059?index=3

    It is written that "medical intervention that is focused on changing a person's gender is prohibited, including HRT and surgeries". Giving 087/u is a medical intervention, and so it does not have any power now.

    Page 4, the "fact of gender change" is replaced with a long string that amounts to "the official comission checks that the genitals match the given gender". I am too lazy now to check where that change is, but you can see that the procedure of changing the gender marker is no longer recognised there.

    Feed it into an OCR, ask any RU person to digest it to you if you do not trust me.

    The cases where gender marker was changed after the procedure removal were only because the people applied for it before the ban and got a "we won't do it because the procedure will dissappear soon" from the place where they went (МФЦ or МВД), and that still required going to a court because the request rejection should not have happened on the "it'll be impossible soon" premise.

    IIRC there's special procedure for intersex infants, but I, and other people, are not intersex nor infants.

    Please, please make sure your knowledge is up-to-date. It's infuriating, being told "actually it's possible" after I have witnessed the entire thing, from its proposition, when people were like "they will probably require doing surgeries", to its first appearance in the gosduma, when we got to read the bill and scream, to all three (IIRC, they could have done all three readings in one day, there's no one to stop them from doing so, this time they were separate) readings, to its acceptance there, to its acceptance in "Совет федерации", to it being signed by the pres. and published, which is when it came into power.

    I'm tired and angry.

    P.S: I remember that head of Minzdrav (ministry of health) was harshly talked down by the entire gosduma when they tried to oppose the bill. And, as a fun fact, nearly the entire gosduma, several hundred people, are listed as authors of the bill (again, IIRC). This is to say that there are no factions, it is a monolith.