I've got a project due tomorrow. From what I understand Solaris, thst thing that looks like the sun isn't even the sun, it's a planet and there is a stsr called Lylat that had yet to appear in game. Some of these are space stations sp whatever but does this mean the entire mess were seeing on this map is but a pie piece of a larger stellar orbit? Lylat must be a pretty big star, and if that is the case how is thst thar venom, a gas giant is the closest planet to the supposed star then? Also there's just a big asteroid field on one side of an earth like planet that clearly has a lot of water with a big Y shaped nebula super close by as well? How is corneria not being constantly blasted with asteroids?

  • ChaosMaterialist [he/him]
    7 months ago

    The first thing to understand is Lylat is a binary system; Lylat-Solar.

    The second is understanding lagrange points. You see, the asteroids are clearly at L1 of Corneria-Lylat system. Venom and Corneria are locked at each other's L3, as is Katina locked to Macbeth. There are interesting effects in the L4 and L5 of Corneria and Venom with the smaller planets. Gravitational effects between Fortuna and Titania form Sector X, and the instability between Aquas and Zoness create the asymmetrical Y and Z sectors.

    The only unknowns are Area 6 and Bolse Observatory. Both appear under Venom's influence, but no gravitational model matches their behavior. We've dispatched James McCloud, Peppy Hare, and Pigma Dengar to investigate.