I love this game. It has completely enthralled me. Since starting a couple years ago I have probably thousands of hours sunk into this 8-person DDR MMO. The story is one of the best of any FF game, too. I just started getting into Endwalker EX fights & Savage raiding and it’s a blast. Let’s get a polycule cadre going or something!

  • TheSpectreOfGay [he/him, she/her]
    4 months ago

    Oh I literally just started it a few weeks ago. I'm almost at level 50!

    I finally got over my social anxiety to do random duty roulettes. It probably didn't help I play tank, but it went well as you would expect. Hopefully I can keep that up in the future because I think it would be helpful to fighting the anxiety in general.

    • Ivysaur@lemmygrad.ml
      4 months ago

      Tank anxiety is very real, especially for bosses imo. But after a while you learn what you can and can’t get away with, and whenever I tank an instance, bungle it and die or something I just laugh it off. Most people are understanding; it’s far more likely in this game than others of its kind. How exciting, you’ve got a whole epic ahead of you and it gets better and better.

      edit to say my offer for companionship to help you through content or pester you about your storythoughts is open to you, as well, lol.

      • TheSpectreOfGay [he/him, she/her]
        4 months ago

        I'll be sure to let you know if I have any story thoughts I need to yell at someone :p I honestly wasn't paying much attention to the plot until recently

        level 30~ i think msq quest spoiler

        when a lot of the scions died and they had me move their corpses. i was not expecting that.

        im also probably going to make a post here when i want to join an FC or something cos it'd be nice if there are any comrades who i could play with, but since i have no intention to pay for the game until i have to that wont be for a whileee

        • SSJ2Marx
          4 months ago

          Aww man that scene is such a gut punch. And the guy driving the cart doesn't care he just wants you to hurry up and load it. FFXIV has a lot of dark world-building, but the WOL kinda gets insulated from it by making friends with the nobility everywhere they go.