This is another post that alerted me of this.

And here is the modlog:

    3 months ago

    If we're to have any chance at convincing more Reddit users to join the Fediverse, the main Lemmy and Kbin instances need to stick together. While the piracy community being among the biggest arguably doesn't make for great optics (having a greater variety of communities above the 50k user mark would help bring more users to Lemmy), a fragmented federation only helps Reddit. Beyond that, this community has rules in place to ensure that posts stick to the discussion of piracy, and not piracy itself.

    • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
      3 months ago

      While the piracy community being among the biggest arguably doesn't make for great optics

      I'd argue otherwise. It is great optics to have a thriving piracy community. It keeps the corporate boot lickers out, and attracts the kind of crowd that we should want on Lemmy.

        3 months ago

        While it's great to have a thriving piracy community, it being one of the only thriving ones inevitably makes potential users associate the platform with it and convinces them to either choose another Reddit alternative or simply avoid the inconvenience of switching platforms. While we may disagree with them, the failure of the Reddit blackout demonstrated that they make up the lion's share of users from large communities that have yet to materialize here. Better to have many communities with a diversity of opinions than only a handful of echo chambers.

            3 months ago

            For me it's about all the subreddits that didn't migrate to Lemmy, and the ghost town feeling caused by only having 55,000 monthly users versus Reddit's 850 million. With Lemmy's active user count slowly dropping instead of rising, everything needs to be done to bring more redditors to Lemmy, whether they are supporters of piracy or not.

            • flan [they/them]
              3 months ago

              before there was reddit there were message boards and these message boards tended to be pretty small and niche. They would have low thousands of users, if that. I don't think having low user counts is something to be afraid of - especially for sites run and paid for by volunteers.

                3 months ago

                Message boards like that have dedicated userbases for their subject matter though, something that is missing on Lemmy for most subject matters. Since I'd like to be on Lemmy for more than just, for my interests at least, a piracy message board, more users are needed to build interest in communities that weren't promoted by a subreddit.

      3 months ago

      Nah I wouldn't want Lemmy to attract anti-piracy bootlickers (specially considering why we left Reddit for Lemmy in the first place). This being the largest community is a good filter imo.

      3 months ago

      Defederation really should be last resort, a lot of admin use it as a first one. (Even dbzer0 censors 187 instances)