• space_comrade [he/him]
    3 months ago

    How does it not fit in our quantitative descriptions?

    I mean it just kinda fucking doesn't. Our physical model of reality is a bunch of mathematical models and there's no mathematical formula for consciousness yet.

    I'd love for some mystical thing to exist, but literally every mystical thing people have believed for tens of thousands of years has been wrong.

    But you're literally experiencing the "mystical thing" right now. The mystical part is the part where you don't really have a mathematical equation for it and yet it exists. Think of it like "dark matter" where you know it probably exists but you can't really model it properly.

    • Cethin@lemmy.zip
      3 months ago

      So, by your definition, mystical stuff is just things we can't explain right now. People in the past have thought the same thing and been proven wrong. That's a bad method for understanding things.

      • space_comrade [he/him]
        3 months ago

        So, by your definition, mystical stuff is just things we can't explain right now.

        My entire fucking point is that nobody can explain it properly and you grasping so tightly onto only one of the possible explanations is you having a strong belief system, same as religious people, not you doing a heckin good science think.