• @Kaplya
    3 months ago

    Neo-Marxism typically refers to the Critical Theory/Frankfurt School academic theorists (Marcuse, Adorno, Horkheimer etc.) in the 1960s who became disappointed and disillusioned with Marxism-Leninism and its ability to resolve the contradictions of capitalism (the USSR was “bad”), so they leaned more heavily into the post-modernist/post-structural schools and played a role in the counter-culture revolution in the US in the 1960s.

    Essentially, the neo- in neo-Marxism refers to them leaving behind the traditional Marxist-Leninist thinking and developing into its own strand of philosophies, not unlike how neo-classical economics was the complete opposite of classical economics in the tradition of Smith, Ricardo and Marx. They called themselves the neo-classicals because they are the ones replacing the classical economics as the new school of thought.

    • RedWizard [he/him]
      3 months ago

      Interesting. I get the sense anyone who uses the term neomarxis casually doesn't have this understanding.

      • @Kaplya
        3 months ago

        Yes, Jordan Peterson doesn’t understand anything about it and think it’s some spooky Marxist academics who wanted to secretly bring communism to America, when the neo-Marxists were precisely the people who loathed Marxism-Leninism and were critical of the Soviet Union.