
  • RyanGosling [none/use name]
    3 months ago

    The model I propose would use tests and interviews to identify the true elite among the most gifted Torah scholars. The numbers can be negotiated (a thousand outstanding scholars? Two thousand?). Those men would receive a generous stipend that makes it possible for them to study Torah and support their families. Many Israelis see importance in having some Torah scholars. I think there's a good chance Israeli society would agree to support them, just as it partially subsidizes some of the best university students in other fields through their taxes.

    Beyond that, the state would not provide any funding to the yeshivas themselves or to young ultra-Orthodox men, just as it doesn't support other young adults. Today the state incentivizes even mediocre students to stay in yeshiva, with discounts on their municipal property tax, daycare center tuition, and other services and of course military exemption.

    To members of the ultra-Orthodox community, known as Haredim in Israel, who say it is unfair to end funding and incentives to yeshivas and their students, I say this: it certainly isn't fair to fight, be wounded, or die for the country—and non-ultra-Orthodox Jewish Israelis do. Nor is it fair to be called up for weeks of reserve duty every year. It certainly isn't fair for young Jewish men and women to devote two, three or more years to mandatory IDF service.

    Maybe don’t force young Jewish men and women to devote two, three or more years to IDF service

    • CommunistBear [he/him]
      3 months ago

      I wonder how quickly the IOF would collapse if they didn't have forced conscription. Like, the freaks would still sign up but the ones on the fence who would do clerical work or logistics probably wouldn't
