• Des [she/her, they/them]
    3 months ago

    this is one of those r/collapse things i've been hearing about for years that scares the shit out of me

    since it's the higher CO2 levels there's nothing you can do besides make some kind of "Earth: 1800" sealed greenhouse

    and of course whatever tech they are proposing i don't trust for shit

    • queermunist she/
      3 months ago

      Oh yeah?

      Well the higher CO2 levels also mean you are getting less oxygen per lungful of air and the concentration of CO2 in your blood is higher.

      That effects athleticism, but more importantly that impacts your brain. Slower thought processes, more forgetfulness, sleepiness, and more!

      It gets better - the CO2 concentrations are already elevated in buildings with poor circulation, so offices and schools and such, and as atmospheric CO2 increases that also even further increases the elevated CO2 indoors. That impacts our work and education at the same time!

      Isn't the future cool? 🙃

    • DayOfDoom [any, any]
      3 months ago

      Western leftists would rather bring back Pepsi 1893 with extra CO2.