I know 100℅ of the world top 500 supercomputers use linux, and around 65℅ of world servers. I want more info like this to help me campaign towards GNU/Linux use. Thanks.

  • @baseless_discourse@mander.xyz
    1 month ago

    Sorry, I was referring to the links given in the article, not the article itself. Specifically, the source of their "90%" claim: http://www.cec.com.cn/jtxw/2019/1209/8ac085cc6e112a0f016ee947c8ac00b5.html

    I have found a article (in Chinese, by Chinese media, to eliminate "western bias") documenting the current state of transition:


    Although this article states that the transition is happening, but it seems like it is no where near mainstream in Chinese government.

    There are also a Chinese government version of windows : https://blogs.windows.com/windowsexperience/2017/05/23/announcing-windows-10-china-government-edition-new-surface-pro/ , which seems like a strong competitor of linux.